Define your personal financial goals
You as an individual, employee or independent contractor are an economic unit that produces and generates income, and as a company should set economic objectives over time, taking into account their economic situation. What is your investment horizon and get what you want financially in the short, medium and long term?
Questions like: how much to have in 10 years, how much you need for college education of their children in a number of years, how much you need for a travel, how much you want to have saved for a contingency, etc are questions which you should find an answer through the definition of a personal financial goals.
Establish your investment horizon
This point has to do with the period during which you plan to invest. It is important to know how long it will use its money to choose the type of investments to making. The general recommendation is to make investments with lower risk for short-term goals (within 3 years) and invest in riskier assets but with higher yield potential for longer-term goals (over 3 years). Either way, it is always advisable to adopt an approach to long-term investment.
Conduct periodic investment
Investment technique known as "average cost" can help reduce the cost of financial assets that you purchase. When you plan to invest in Mutual Funds Investment this methodology can be highly recommended. By investing a fixed amount at regular intervals, more fund shares are purchase when the price is low and fewer shares when the price is high. As a result, the average cost of the shares may be less than the average share price.
The average cost of money involves continuous investment in securities independently fluctuating levels. Investors should consider their financial ability to continue purchases during periods of low prices and changing economic conditions. Though a plan of this type does not ensure a profit and does not protect against losses in declining market, obviates the negative effects of volatility.
Build your own definition of risk
The risk is not a static concept and one direction; however, its meaning will change as the investor approaches the deadline to meet their financial goals. For a young person just starting to save for their termination, the largest component of risk is the probability that their investments do not make enough to meet future growth needs.
On the other hand, an adult, close to retirement fined that a sharp fluctuation in the value of your investment is more relevant in the definition of risk. You must adjust your definition of risk as you approach your goals and this will take you to redefine the composition of their investments.
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