Time is the most valuable resource we have is the only resource that cannot renew, and probably the scarcest, especially in the competitive and busy world today, virtually compels us to be constantly active. Therefore, it is essential to make good management of our time if we want to succeed, but also, if we want to have a better quality of life, since after all, to manage our time, what we are actually doing is manage our life.
See below some of the main techniques or advice offered by experts in the administration of the time, which will help us to use our time in the best possible way:
Set goals
Setting goals helps us to use our time in the best possible way, because it reveals to us what are the tasks or activities to which we must give priority (those that allow us to achieve our goals), and motivate us in fulfilling these.
We must establish goals for different areas of our lives; for example, for our business, our finances, our profession, our studies, our relationships, our health, our physical condition.
For best results, our goals must be clear and specific; for example, increase the sales of our business by 10% for the next month, have a new source of income for the next year, or lose weight 5 kg before the end of the year.
In addition, our goals must be attainable but challenging, should living within our means, but not be easy to achieve, but mean a challenge or a challenge for us, since otherwise there will be no us enough motivation to reach them.
Finally, it is advisable to put all our goals written somewhere that we always put our attention; for example, in a document on your computer or on our agenda, in such a way that we always have them present.
Make lists of tasks to do
Make lists of tasks or activities to be done helps us to make good use of our time, since it allows us to know exactly what we should do, and what is the order in which we must make them.
We must draw up lists with tasks or activities will do in the coming days and that will help us in achieving our goals, and then place them in order of importance or priority.
If possible, must put them to tasks or activities a time limit that is not as extensive to the point that it can generate in us neglect (for example, to wait for last-minute homework), but not so short to the point that too much pressure for them to generate in us.
A Council is that we include in our lists of tasks or activities to be done, a list of tasks or activities that come up every day before going to sleep, in such a way that the next day we know exactly what we need to do, and do not lose time in plan newly our day.
Moreover, another tip is that when performing a task or activity, we try to observe it in its entirety, even if at some point we have to feel blocked or depleted, it is another task, and after finishing her back that we were doing originally.
Set priorities
Establish priorities also helps us to use our time in the best possible way, because it allows us to focus on the things that bring value to our lives or help us in achieving our goals, and away from all the rest.
We must know to identify tasks or activities that add value to our lives or help us in achieving our targets, given attention, in order of importance and, if possible, delegate to others the less important or that does not dominate.
Moreover, on the other hand, we must learn to identify the things that do not add us value to our lives or we move away from our goals, and try to spend less time, eliminate them from our life or, if still necessary, delegate them to other people.
At this point we must take into account the law of Pareto which says that 20% of the things we do reported 80% of the results; for example, 20% of our work reported 80% of our achievements, 20% of our products reported 80% of our revenues, 20% of our clients report 80% of our sales.
And, therefore, we need to know identify that 20% of tasks or activities that help us really get results, focus on them, and the remaining 80% of things to devote less time, should give, or in any case, if you still remain necessary, delegate them to other people.
Give free time to good use
Finally, give a good use our free time also helps us to make good use of our time, since it allows us to renew energy, and return to our work, tasks, or daily activities with greater vitality.
First of all we need to know give us a time off whenever it is necessary, whether it is of short breaks, rest breaks of one or more hours, a whole day free of concerns, or weekend or a whole week of holiday.
And then, we must know give good use our free time; for example, instead of using our rest hours to surf the Internet, use them to get some exercise, or instead of using our weekend to watch TV, use it to learn something useful.
A Council is that we occasionally take a whole day off of concerns where we find ourselves, and we wonder if the goals that we really are the goals we want to achieve, and if the things we are doing really bring us value or are helping us to achieve our goals.
This free day could prove to be more productive than several days of work together, since in addition to allowing us to renew energy, could help us to know if we are on the right track, and find answers or solutions to problems that we could not solve.
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