Do not be naive, good quality content is not enough, because nobody is going to read if there is some good key words selected to appear in the search engines. However, I think that work stops there, it would be foolish. It must not forget that the aim is not to climb, but a statistical counter to sell and keep your customers satisfied to create word of mouth. If you give it to already free quality information then people will think their products should be more rich and useful for them.
The key to its success with the commercialization of the Internet is the document thoroughly the problems of the people and to do so is necessary to go through the forums, receive complaints or criticisms that had made spontaneously by the people. Despite everything, you will be able to meet your future customers as if he knew it well. Described their difficulties, frustrations, and demonstrate that your product will be able to help or answer to your particular problem. It is not just a Bibliographic search on a topic. It is not important to write anything stupid, but it is not what the people will say: ' ah is where will I actually find solutions to my problems "," Finally, a web site that addresses the right questions and understand my difficulties ".
Finally, in the form, your items must be well structured with titles and subtitles that make you want to read more. Doing research in the forums before planning your marketing strategy, you will be sure not to go in the wrong direction. This research will provide the list of topics and, as a consequence, the good keywords directly to work. You will then have a coherent strategy, which is more important to achieve the full realization.
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