Manage money every day is not an easy task, and much less to make decisions that have an impact on its heritage and welfare. The problem is that, in many cases, people do not have clear how should manage their finances. Money cannot afford to make ends meet; they do not spend much or in what, and, without realizing it, are heading toward a "disaster.”
The key word is order and the tool to achieve it is the budget, which is a smart way of knowing how much is winning and how much you are spending, so to cut unnecessary spending, get out of the money, goals and stop living overleveraged.
For those who have never done it, a budget is not more than a record of the amount of money that is entering your home and which is coming out. The difference between total income and expenses in a period shows their real financial situation and thus to know if it is being careful with your money, or if on the contrary, it is spending more than it earns.
The recommendation by making a budget is to be disciplined but flexible. A budget is only an estimate of revenues and expenditures. So it should not be very "tight" accounts that are difficult to meet. The key is to be realistic and bear in mind that regularly budget should be adjusted so that it reflects important changes for example, which would mean a change of work.
It must also take care not to fall into errors that house repairs are often committed as overestimate income or may not include occasional and incidental costs, such as Christmas gifts, or a visit to the dentist.
For those just beginning on the subject, it is advisable to track daily expenses. Save receipts of purchases and write down in a notebook, the payments made during the day (meals, gasoline, passages, among others) can be of help.
The next step is to include all general expenses that are paid recurrently as public services or credit quotas. It is important to review the recent bank statements and invoices paid.
If after the budget, it is having financial problems, the registration of revenues and expenses will help, you see how to adjust their accounts to prioritize expenses and eliminate those who can not afford. If required a restructuring of its debt, a budget will give the necessary tools so that you can ask your bank a realistic proposal for payments.
To stop live "hung" or reach a savings goal, you have two options. The first is to increase your income: working overtime, getting a second job or asking for a promotion, but this is not always easy. So the second option is usually simple: reduce costs. Spend less is a good habit.
Some of the costs that can be reduced are those who respond to the 'I will', more not to a felt need.
You can try cutting the compulsive shopping or asking questions as if it is necessary to change truck again, or if he could live in a cheaper area. A Council that works almost always is when you buy, visit several stores and compare prices and quality, and go home and think after two or three days if it is really necessary to make the purchase.
Do not forget that you are looking for a budget is that, after paying all your bills, you have money largely to meet their targets and have a 'cushion' contingency. The idea is to not think about the sacrifices it is making now, but the good things that you can enjoy to keep track of your finances.
Recommendations to save
Commit to save a percentage of their income. It is advisable to save at least 10% of their income and have an emergency fund that will cover six months of expenditure, should come to present some unexpected. To get used to save regularly, mapped out specific goals.
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