If everything seems to blur for you, make the effort to complete writing everything that comes from your bank account or your wallet month. On this list, ask yourself what expenses could have been avoided. Then stay mainly in higher expenses.
It is easier to save small amounts so large. Therefore, we must begin with the end there will be more encouraging. When you go to buy, especially large ones, take the time to compare prices shop to another, but also from one month to another. Prices can vary greatly from one period to the next year.
To identify and take advantage of a good deal, it is still necessary to know the normal price. Do not lose your head when purchases are for amounts. It is usual that people are tightening their belts throughout the year in small amounts, suddenly gave a great favorite, and, paradoxically, buy without thinking.
However, is it easier to keep? 1000 in a car showing a little research and patience to grasp the good opportunity to save the same amount by taking less flush every day. Between shopping, organize the investment, i.e. purchases that could be sold a day could help you save more money for their utility and separate the many purchases that are as pure expenditure.
During your lifetime, always ask yourself if your expenses are actual costs (the money will be lost), or if you can get something once you are done with the value (resale, ready for a neighbor, etc).
When you hesitate between several purchases, always favor the investment category rather than the category of expenditure in vain. Maximize what you already have. The consumer society pushes us to the extreme individualism. Everyone should have your car, your garden, your house, etc. However, that is a waste! Your car is like 80% of people, mostly in the garage in actual use.
Before embarking on a major purchase, be sure to consider all the alternatives and find one who knows someone who is willing to share with you the expense. Forget your shape by advertising and pushes nothing to do like everyone else and have good money for things that really matter ego. Life is not about accumulating objects that will become value in a few months. Do not sacrifice your future for these so illusions fleeting pleasures.
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