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10 steps to secure and retain the best employees for your business

The companies have made ​​up of people, so that their success depends on the talent of its people. That is why finding a qualified candidate is a crucial activity. Follow these 10 steps to secure and retain suitable candidates to form the best team for your business.

Define the job profile

Identify what are the tasks and responsibilities of the job you want to cover. This will help you write a job description, powers, limitations, technical requirements of the person and any other relevant aspect that fits the need of your business.

Sets the wage conditions and benefits

The salary to be paid and the conditions of employment should not be lightly set. An ill-defined procurement can affect budgetary problems or even legal. So before you begin your selection process, be sure to evaluate how much you can pay and under what conditions, so that everything is clear from the beginning.

Advertise your search on different types of media

You can put a classified ad in a local newspaper or websites that specialize in recruiting employees. If your business is present in social networks, it can be effective that communicate the job opportunity there. You can also spread the word to friends, colleagues, and acquaintances.

Performs the selection process

Once you begin to receive resumes, analyze them very clearly too select candidates who meet the minimum requirements. Set your priorities, what you care about most. Some suggestions to consider: integrity, trust, ability, attitude, academic preparation, experience, and desire you should learn. You should not take account of prospects that have a history of questionable character or have attitude problems reported in previous works.

Meet your candidates

The interview is essential to know the person and have a "first impression.” In this game, you can see how the person has expressed, how it behaves and can evaluate issues such as punctuality, dependability, and willingness to work. Questions you make must allow the person to speak and meanwhile you observe. Overall, the interview involves a great deal of insight and intuition and it will determine if that person is really supplementing your team.

 Determines the degree of interest of the candidate

If you perceive the person as a good candidate, then you can proceed to talk about pay and conditions. This does not mean you are making a contract. The objective is to know what you offer and what you expect them to know if your interest in the job is genuine. This step is very important to avoid misunderstandings later and especially so you can, be sure that the person understands and accepts the conditions of work.

Find your background

Anyone interested should introduce personal and previous work references that could contact. You have to think this basic principle of recruitment, "the candidate perform well in the future, as far as it has done in the past." Research the references of people who know the work and personal life of the candidate. Profiles on sites like LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter from your candidates can serve you in the selection process.

Try a technical interview

In some cases, it is essential to conduct practices. These tests should been performing only candidates you are considering hiring.

Make a decision

After selecting the potential candidates, make an analysis of your options and seeks an expeditious and practical decision in hiring. A recruitment process should not take more than a month to ensure the best results. Please note that for some positions is mandatory that the selection process includes a medical examination, as some activities are high risk for both the candidate and for the employees of the company.

Involve the employee with the business

The new employee should have an overview to convey the vision, mission, and values ​​of the company and its short, medium, and long term. For the contracted partner can adequately perform need to exist later stages of training, adaptation and equally effective supervision.


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